Sun Solutions Online Subscription Form

Now is the time to register for your free CD-ROM from SunSoft's Sun Solutions. Please fill out and send this form to receive the Sun Solutions CD for third-party products, developed for the Solaris environment. Your COMPLETE response may qualify you to continue to receive future issues on disc.

1. Which Solaris do you use?
Solaris, SPARC(tm) platform edition
Solaris, Intel platform edition
2. My primary business is best described as: Accounting/Bank/Finance Architecture/Engineering Communications/Computers Construction Education/University Government Graphics/Printing/Publishing Insurance Legal Manufacturing Non-Profit Organization Retail Trade Reseller System Integration Transportation/Utilities Wholesale Trade Other(please specify)

3. Which of the following best describes your job function:
  Corporate/Executive Management (President, Chairman, Owner, Partner)
  Finance/Administration Management (VP, Director, Manager of Finance, Purchasing)
  Sales & Marketing Management (VP, Director, Manager of Sales, Marketing, Research, Planning)
  Computer Systems, Operations Management (VP, Manager MIS, Systems Integration, Software/Hardware Design),
  Computer Systems, Operations Professional Staff (MIS, EDP, Programming, Purchasing, Systems Analyst)
  Technical Staff (VP/Director, Manager of Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, Product Development) 
  Technical Staff (Engineering, Manufacturing, Technical Support, Systems/Software Design, Quality Assurance, Systems Integration, Systems Administration)
  Other(please specify)

4. What is your primary buying role?
  Recommender                     Purchasing/Procurement Department
  Decision Maker                  End User
  Authorize/Approve Expenditures  Other(please specify)

5. What Solaris based applications are you currently using? (Check all that apply.)
  Applications Development(Software Development),Tools/CASE
  Engineering/Scientific/R&D(Engineering Calculations,CAD/CAM/CAE)
  Office Automation/Workgroup Applications
  Desktop Publishing
  Programming/Data Base Management/SQI
  Systems Utility Software
  Network Management
  Other(please specify)

6. Where do you have access to a CD drive? My desktop Systems Administrator
Workgroup Other

7. What's the most recent issue of CDware/Sun Solutions you have:
8. Please start/continue my free subscription to Sun Solutions (tm): YES NO
9. In the future, how would you like to hear from us? Email Postal Mail Fax Web
(Please provide the following information for your subscription)

Date of Birth: Month Day Why do I need to supply my birthdate? --a simple explanation.

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